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Call for Applications for the Board of Directors 2024


The IDD Council of Tarrant County was founded to serve as a community coalition of providers, public officials, families and self-advocates who have come together to increase opportunities for people with IDD in our community.  Our purpose it to transform the region into an inclusive community where persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) thrive.  


Our success depends on a strong, engaged, dynamic, informed, and inclusive Board of Directors.

And that’s where you come in! The IDD Council is seeking applications from outstanding leaders to serve as Board members so that the Council may continue to grow and prosper in its work.  Any Individual Member or Organizational Member Representative may submit an application. New members are also encouraged to apply. 

We will consider all submissions and prepare a slate for action by the governing membership at the Annual Meeting of the IDD Council of Tarrant County, held 9:00 - 10:30 a.m., on Thursday, January 4, 2024.



The Nominating Committee is interested in candidates with experience and skills in one or more of the following areas:

  • Social and professional networking

  • Grant writing

  • Fundraising and development

  • Accounting or financial management

  • Marketing and design

  • Board governance

  • Public Policy and Legislative Advocacy


In addition, candidates should have a strong commitment to the IDD Council’s mission, vision, and values and a demonstrated passion for advancing the inclusion and opportunities for people with IDD, and an ability to devote the time necessary to perform the responsibilities of a Board member.

Applications are due by Monday, November 17, 2023.  Applications should be emailed to


Please review the Board Members job description and the Board Member Candidate application below.  Interested candidates with questions are encouraged to contact our Executive Director, Rita Stevenson, or the Board at


Officer and Committee Descriptions:

2023 Board of Directors

Founding Partner Positions:

  1. Andrew Spencer - Fort Worth Independent School District, Community Advocate

  2. Amy Govea - JPS Health Network

  3. Bill Eaton - My Health My Resources (MHMR), Community Advocate

  4. VACANT, Tarrant County

At-Large Positions:

  • Michael Tucker - Community Advocate

  • Audra Ressel, Board Chair - Parent Advocate

  • Laurie Snyder - Board Treasurer,  Parent Advocate

  • Kerri Staples - Community Advocate

  • Erin Fogarty - Family Advocate

  • Renae Arledge - Board Secretary, Community Advocate

Committee Chairs

  • Andrew Spencer - Transition Committee Co-Chair

  • Renae Arledge - Transition Committee Co-Chair

  • Audra Ressel - Employment/CapeAbilities Committee Co-Chair

  • Laurie Snyder - Employment/CapeAbilities Committee Co-Chair

  • Vacant - Communications & Programming Committee

The IDD Council of Tarrant County is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation

1300 Circle Drive,  Fort Worth, TX  76119

817 - 725 - 7258

Copyright 2017 by IDD Council of Tarrant County. All Rights Reserved.

If you appreciate the importance of what we are doing to make Tarrant County more inclusive, please make a tax-deductible donation and ask your employer to match the donation.

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The IDD Council is proud to announce we are recipients of the BRONZE LEVEL recognition with GUIDESTAR, Charity Review.

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